Friday, February 5, 2010

Snowed Inn for 2 days..... Jan. 2010

Loved this frosty tree in the morning
The snow is covering two rows of barbed wire

The snow is half way up on our neighbors gate

Our driveway

One long ICE CYCLE

Our car pretty much buried

This was one amazing snow storm, We would get lots of snow and then it would rain and then more snow, had it not been for the rain I think would we would have gotten enough snow to be snowed in for at least a week. I was so glad the power stayed on because the first day of all of it Austin had to work and left me in charge of hooking the generator up to run the pellet stove, luckily I didn't have to, instead the kids and I watched movies and did puzzles all day. The storm started on Wed. but we were not snowed in til Thurs. By Saturday Austin got the tractor hooked up and some what plowed the driveway so we could go to the movie, the kids and I all had a case of cabin fever. The snow sure is pretty though, especially when it is untouched by footprints.


Brady & Jessica said...

It's beautiful. We know about being stir crazy... I had a lot of catching up to do. Ya'll keep hopping. Glad everyone's doing well. Love all the pics of the kids with the animals... What I have to look forward to. And also the broken bones I'm sure. Take care, Jess

Blossom Salon said...

I would love a good excuse to stay home for two days straight, even if it were snow! That's going to equal an awesome summer! Yay!